Empowering communities, celebrating culture, and transforming lives through charitable initiatives.
OBUNTUBULAMU: We define Obuntubulamu as the accepted and consistent behavior of people, informed by a set of core values for the well-being of self and others. We believe Obuntubulamu is a way of upholding the dignity of the human person.
DIVERSITY: We acknowledge diversity; and strive for inclusiveness, with a primary focus on the vulnerable.
INNOVATION: We are innovative and pioneering in our quest for development solutions.
INTEGRITY: NDF processes are transparent, audited, and held to account at all levels.
PRESERVATION: We uphold the conservation of culture and nature.
The Foundation’s five-year Strategic Plan (2019 – 2023) has the following
1. Cultivate and encourage a culture of Obuntubulamu in contemporary Uganda and beyond
Obuntubulamu, practiced as a way of life in Buganda, stems from the African philosophy of ‘Ubuntu’ that is grounded in the principles of reciprocity, community, caring, and good conduct, The Foundation is reviving the cultural concept of Obuntubulamu, using it as a tool for development; harnessing the power and voice of cultural leadership to bring about social transformation. Through this Obuntubulamu value-based approach to achieving development solutions, the Foundation is contributing to the attainment of national development priorities, as well as the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
2. Be a catalyst for youth industriousness and civic engagement:
Youth are equipped with Obuntubulamu and life skills for survival, livelihoods, and readiness for leadership roles. Programs for the youth aim at tapping into youth industriousness for employability and self-employment to break the poverty cycle. The Foundation draws upon a team of youthful staff and volunteers for the implementation of its programs targeting youth development.
3. Tap into and optimize women’s potential to strengthen the family for social and gender Transformative Development
The Foundation focuses on strengthening women’s voices and agency to participate and lead in economic, social, cultural, and political development processes. We use our cultural voice to address issues of Gender Based Violence and Women’s Economic Empowerment. To achieve an equal future for women and men, we promote positive masculinity as a behavioral change approach to gender stereotypes and violence.
- Our Flagship Programme, The Ekisaakaate Kya Nnabagereka, has impacted the lives of over 25000 girls and boys within Uganda and the Diaspora. This grooming and leadership development camp trains young people aged between 6 and 18 years in self-awareness, confidence, and Obuntubulamu values. The Alumni of the Ekisaakaate Kya Nnabagereka are matched with carefully selected mentors who espouse the positive cultural and contemporary values emphasized in the youth camp. Outside Uganda, the Ekisaakaate kya Nnabagereka has been held in Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.
- The Ekisaakaate for Special Interest Groups in partnership with World Vision has trained more than 1074 children and their parents on issues of violence against children, teenage pregnancies, and early marriages
- In the realization that rebuilding Uganda following its turbulent past will require a revival of cultural values and cultural heritage, the Nnabagereka Development Foundation has decided to revive positive cultural values and traditions using Obuntubulamu, Buganda Kingdom’s values and ethic system. The Foundation has initiated a dialogue with other cultural regions to explore the possibility of a national revival of values and ethics in Uganda.
- The Foundation has trained over 30,000 adolescent girls and young women on GBV, exposure to HIV, and poverty through the DREAMS initiative in partnership with Mildmay
- The Foundation is actively working to deconstruct gender narratives and stereotypes. Significantly, at the launch of the “HeforShe” campaign in 2017, His Majesty, Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi condemned domestic violence as a cultural violation and declared the protection of women’s rights, personal security, and physical integrity a societal responsibility.
- The Foundation has participated in campaigns promoting sexual reproductive health for both adults and youth. Other key advocacy issues include maternal health, family planning, and child health. To date, more than 13 million Ugandans have been reached.
- The Central Region of Uganda had until recently suffered a low turnout in child immunization campaigns. A marked increase in immunization was later registered primarily attributed to the Nnabagereka’s active participation in the activity. In the immunization and explaining the benefits.
- The Foundation has also played an active role in helping disadvantaged girls stay in school by providing bursaries for their primary, secondary, and university education.
- We have also actively engaged in anti-cross-generational sex campaigns to decrease the vulnerability of young women.
- The Foundation has engaged in various construction projects such as building classroom blocks at Masooli Primary School, constructing a 40-bed dormitory at Kampala School for the Physically Handicapped, and a play center at Sanyu Babies’ Home
- The Foundation has run a Primary School Bursary scheme for disadvantaged children, which has benefitted 300 girls in 20 primary schools and provided them with scholastic materials and sanitary pads.
- The Nnaabagereka through the Foundation and other initiatives has used her status and networks to register key successes in the area of health
- Obuntubulamu has been identified by the United Nations as one of the indigenous innovations to facilitate the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
- The Foundation is also actively involved in skilling and supporting youth income generating activities and this has seen many of them gaining sources of income.
Mrs. Diana Basamula
Omuzaana Diana Nantongo Basamula is a passionate advocate for families especially by empowering women and young girls to attain great heights and fulfil their potential.
Mrs. Grace Namuli Bunnya
Mrs. Grace Namuli Bunnya, a respected business leader and mentor, passionately advocates for advancing Buganda culture and values among youth in the diaspora through active involvement in community organizations. She embodies the core values of integrity, teamwork, compassion, and a growth mindset.
Dr. Margaret Mutumba Kironde
Dr. Margaret Mutumba Kironde is a passionate global health scholar-advocate and award-winning health innovator with over 10 years of experience in reproductive & fertility health in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Ms. Elizabeth Lwanga
Ms. Elizabeth Lwanga is an Innovations in Development Advisor with more than 30 years of experience in development work in non-profit organizations and the United Nations. She has served as a United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in several countries. She is passionate about the role of culture in development
Nnabagereka Development Foundation, USA
2248 Broadway #1769
New York, NY 10024
United States
T: +1 972 213 6837
E: usa@nnabagereka.org
W: www.nnabargeraka.org
X: @nnabageraka.org